Date : 23/09/2021
Seth Denizen - Speaker ; Bruno Notteboom - Mediator
Seth Denizen is a researcher and design practitioner trained in landscape architecture and human geography. His published work is multidisciplinary, addressing art and design, microbial ecology, soil science, urban geography, and the politics of climate change. He is currently a member of the editorial board of Scapegoat Journal: Architecture / Landscape / Political Economy. He holds a PhD in Geography from the University of California Berkeley, and his doctoral research investigates the vertical geopolitics of urban soil in Mexico City, where he is working with geologists and soil scientists to characterize the material complexities and political forces that shape the distribution of geological risk in Mexico's urban periphery.
Seth has taught Landscape Architecture at the University of Hong Kong, University of Virginia, and Harvard University. In 2019 he was awarded the SOM Foundation Research Prize with Montserrat Bonvehi and David Moreno Mateos for their investigation of wastewater urbanism in the Mezquital Valley, Mexico. He is currently a Princeton-Mellon Fellow in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities, and is teaching a course based on his research called “Thinking Through Soil.”